12/16/19 Mon.  Today I met with my team of students (Jacob and Alwin) to analyze our stream data.  We used Excel to create charts and graphs of the data that we can put into our Poster Presentation.  Each team has to do a Poster Presentation Weds. this week on their research project.  Unfortunately, Alwin is pretty sick and got the sore throat tonsillitis thing that is going through the students here.  I am hoping I don’t get it too.  This afternoon we witnessed a ceremony to get permission to generally gather medicinal plants.  It was performed by the tribal elder and his fellow tribesman from the Ngo’be -bugle’ tribe which is a tribe that was combined into one by the government from the original Ngo’be tribe and Bugle’ tribe.  The elder sang a song in the bugle’ language because all the songs of the Ngo’be have been lost.  How sad to lose the songs in your native language.  The elder is a medicine man and he took us through the greenhouse here at the station and showed us different plants in the greenhouse and described their medicinal use. We learned lots of uses like one plant is used for chicken pox and another for birth control by the women.  Worked on the data after that and hoping to go to bed early to make sure I can fend off this sickness going around.        


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